Here is a look at the timing of the rain this weekend, the sub-freezing air, and the threat of snow and ice next week.
Germany has no new cases of the livestock illness foot-and-mouth disease with a suspect case on Thursday not confirmed, ...
State senator arrested at Georgia Capitol ...
Germany, Poland, Britain, France and Italy will implement as swiftly as possible new NATO targets for weapons and troop ...
Since its first enlargement in 1952, NATO’s open-door policy has greatly enhanced transatlantic security. But Russia’s malign actions in Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova — and the transatlantic ...
The 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, began its departure for deployment to Eastern Europe.
HAS VLADIMIR PUTIN QUIETLY ACQUIRED a new imperial possession in the heart of Europe, embedded within the EU and NATO? The suggestion may sound hyperbolic, but reports from Bratislava are becoming ...
History will reward Trump for halting the downward spiral in international relations, but it can only be done with strength ...
The Su-34 is a plane that has consistently delivered, despite being perennially underestimated by its rivals in the West.
Donald Trump has nominated Florida Senator Marco Rubio to be his secretary of state, while he has chosen lawyer Pam Bondi for ...
Tarkaanfiin tokko gurmaa'ina qaama alaan hin daangeffamnetti seenuudha. Kan akka dhihoo kana US biyyoota Paasific kanneen akka Odoolaawwan Marshaal, Macronesia fi Palau faana uumte jechuudha.
We are shocked by the news that former Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia was violently assaulted in a Batumi hotel and ...