The latest movie in the series, "Creed III," continues Adonis' story, but is missing Rocky Balboa himself. Sylvester Stallone decided not to return for the ninth film, making "Creed III" the first ...
“Rocky’s” is a new coming-of-age film that is being released via Gravitas Ventures. The movie stars Gil Perez-Abraham, Steven ...
Michael B. Jordan directs and stars in the latest spinoff of the "Rocky" film series. Picking up after the events of "Creed II" (2018), "Creed III" follows Adonis "Donnie" Creed (Michael B.
Rocky film series popularly adapted into video games, starting with Rocky Super Action Boxing on ColecoVision. Rocky on Sega ...
Hollywood naturally wants to turn every successful movie into a franchise, and while giving audiences more of what they love ...
in the iconic "Rocky" film series. Shire's portrayal of the timid but resilient Adrian earned her acclaim and a place in cinematic history. Beyond "Rocky," she also starred as Connie Corleone in ...