Among 34,000 people in the town of Oświęcim is just one Jew – a young Israeli named Hila Weisz-Gut. It’s an interesting ...
Gut's grandmother survived Auschwitz. In 2023, Weisz-Gut moved to the town where the concentration camp is located.
Oświęcim, a tym bardziej Brzezinka, gdzie w poniedziałek odbędą się oficjalne obchody wyzwolenia KL Auschwitz, będą jak ...
(JTA) — A parade of dignitaries and dozens of Holocaust survivors came to Oświęcim on Monday to pay tribute to the 1 million Jews who died there. Some of them encountered the single Jew who ...
Among 34,000 people in the town of Oświęcim is just one Jew – a young Israeli named Hila Weisz-Gut. It’s an interesting choice of residence, given the most famous feature of the town is its ...
W pewnym momencie na trybunie fanatyków oświęcimskiej Unii pojawił się transparent z przekreśloną twarzą Barbary Nowackiej oraz napisem.